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Famous Poets

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Poems by Famous Poets from around the world.


Famous Australian Poets

John Grey - The Guy You Work With

Famous French Poets

Andre Breton - Always for the first time

Famous Poets from India

Sarojini Naidu - In Salutation to the Eternal Peace

Famous Irish Poets

W. B. Yeats - When You Are Old

Famous British Poets

Elizabeth Barrett Browning - Sonnet XLI

Christina Rossetti - A Green Cornfield

D H Lawrence - Conceit

William Shakespeare - Now, my co-mates and brothers in exile

Elizabeth Jennings - Answers

Rudyard Kipling - When Earth's Last Picture Is Painted

Poets who won the Nobel Prize for Literature

Gabriela Mistral - Decálogo del Artista

Wislawa Szymborska - True Love

Czeslaw Milosz - Love

Famous Latin American Poets

Jorge Carrera Andrade - Biography

Carilda Oliver Labra - Eve's Discourse

Jorge Luis Borges - The Art of Poetry

Federico Garcia Lorca - Debussy

Famous Asian Poets

Sengstan - The Great Way is not difficult

Wu Men - 10,000

Tu Fu - To my retired friend Wei

Li Bai - Drinking Alone Under The Moon

Kaneko Mitsuharu - Opposition

Nguyen Quyen-Pairs of Shoes

Famous American Poets

Edgar Allan Poe - To The Lake

e.e. cummings - if there are any heavens...

Other World Famous Poets

Yehuda Amichai - Pity, We Were A Good Invention

Nazim Hikmet - Hiroshima Child

Jalaluddin Rumi - your grief...

Famous Women Poets

Famous American Poets

Quotes on Creativity

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Poems by Famous Poets
including, Famous American Poets, Famous British Poets,
Famous Latin American Poets, Famous French Poets
Famous Irish Poets, Famous Asian Poets, Famous Poets from India
and other World Famous Poets